Astronauts & Cosmonauts
Mike Melvill - first astronaut to fly in a privately financed spacecraft.
This section of the World Space Flight family is dedicated to short biographies and flight records of all the astronauts and cosmonauts. The pages organized alphabetically and by nationality are restricted to those individuals who have either actually flown in space, or died during training or on missions. The astronaut and cosmonaut group pages include individuals who have trained but left the programs before actually having flown (or are still awaiting their first flight). There are some individuals who were never formally part of a group (space tourist Dennis Tito, for example) and will not be represented in the group pages.
The basic records are complete for people who have flown. This includes name, birth date, birth place, nationality, and the sequential listing of flights including dates and duration. In instances where an individual does not return on the same flight which took him/her into space, the upload flight is listed first, followed by the down load flight.
A word about the nationality of various individuals listed:
Some people were born in one or another republic of the former Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). If they were born in Russia, they are counted
as Russian. If they were born in Kazakhstan, they are counted as Kazakh.
USSR is not regarded as a nationality.
Some people were born in one country, emigrated to another and took a
different citizenship. If they flew as citizens of the adopted country, they are
counted as such.
Some people have dual citizenship. These people are counted by a very
simple rule... whose flag was on their sleeve when they launched?
Features on this site:
Who/How many people are currently in space?
Alphabetical Listing of Names
Listing of Names by Nationality
Listing of the Unflown Astronauts/Cosmonauts/Yuhanguans
Listing of Names by Birth Year
Listing of Names by Birth Nation
States of Birth of the U.S. Astronauts
Listing of Names by Death Year
Alphabetical Listing of Deaths
Chronology of First FAI Flights (Generally accepted ordering)
Chronology of ALL First Flights
Chronology of First Orbital Flights
Chronologies By Category
Sequencial Flight List (Generally accepted ordering)
Sequence List (Including Non-FAI)
Astronaut Groups
Cosmonaut Groups
Yuhangyuan Groups
International Groups
Women in Space
Teacher-in-Space Program
Journalist-in-Space Program
Surviving US astronauts who flew pre-shuttle
Surviving Russian cosmonauts who flew pre-Mir
US Astronaut Hall of Fame Inductees
Who Is ...? A short international guide to space pioneers.
Photo Section
Soviet photo page
Contact us
Astronauts & Cosmonauts Site Map
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Last updated: 09 June 2024 09:40:31.
Times accessed: 213347