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India in Space

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In India, the institution responsible for aerospace technology is the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ISRO was established in 1962 as the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) and became ISRO in 1969.

India's space program has launched over 100 missions which include communications, navigation, scientific, academic, and Earth observation satellites. They have launched spacecraft for over 30 foreign countries.

While India has not yet launched any of it's own manned spacecraft, and does not have an astronaut (vyomanaut) corps, there are plans to do so it the very near future. The creation of India's Human Space Flight Centre in Bangalore was announced in January 2019. Development of a spaceship called Gaganyaan has begun, and the GSLV Mk III chosen to be the launcher. Test flights are proposed for 2021 and a first crewed flight for perhaps 2022.

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Last updated: 27 October 2023 20:01:53.

Times accessed: 7662

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