Mengzhou ("Dream Vessel") (Credit: CMSA)
Mengzhou means "Dream Vessel" or "Dream Boat".
Mengzhou will be the next generation replacement of Shenzhou. There will be two versions, one for missions to Tiangzhou space station, and a second for lunar missions.
The ShenZhou system consists of an return module housing the astronauts), and a service module (power and propulsion). Crew capacity will be 6-7 for LEO missions, 3 for lunar missions.
Mengzhou will be obout 9 meters long, 4.5 meters in diameter, and have a mass of 22,000 kg. The Long March 10 (under development) will be the launch vehicle.
Concept drawing of Mengzhou (left) and Langyue (right) (Credit: CMSA)
Page last modified: 19 March 2025 21:38:13.