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Unmanned Apollo Missions

AS-201 (Unofficially called Apollo 1)

22 February 1966. Suborbital flight lasting 36 minutes, 59 seconds. Launched from pad 34 by a Saturn 1B.

The Apollo 1 designation was given to the original AS-204 mission after a fatal fire on the launch pad.

The capsule is on display at the Strategic Air & Space Museum, Ashland, NE.

AS-203 (Unofficially called Apollo 3)

5 July 1966. Completed 4 orbits. Launched from pad 37B by a Saturn 1B.

There was no recovery.

AS-202 (Unofficially called Apollo 2)

25 August 1966. Suborbital flight lasting 33 minutes, 38 seconds. Launched from pad 34 by a Saturn 1B.

The AS-202 capsule is on display at the USS Hornet Museum in Alameda, CA.

Apollo 4 (AS-501)

9 November 1967. Flight lasted 8 hours, 36 minutes, 59 seconds. Launched from pad 39-A by a Saturn V.

Apollo 4 is displayed at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.

Apollo 5 (AS-204)

22 January 1968. Completed 4 orbits. Launched from pad 37B by a Saturn 1B.

There was no capsule on this mission, only the lunar module. It was destroyed during reentry.

The designation of AS-204 was originally given to the mission we all know as Apollo 1.

Apollo 6 (AS-502)

4 April 1968. Flight lasted 10 hours, 22 minutes, 59 seconds. Launched from pad 39-A by a Saturn V.

The Apollo 6 capsule is located at the Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta, GA.


Page last modified: 20 June 2022 16:59:48.