Rick Husband [2], Commander
William McCool [1], Pilot
Michael Anderson [2], Payload Commander
Kalpana Chawla [2], Mission Specialist
David Brown [1], Mission Specialist
Laurel Clark [1], Mission Specialist
Ilan Ramon [1], Payload Specialist (Israel)
Pad: 39-A [63]
Date: 16 January 2003
Time: 15:39:00 UTC
Altitude: 150 nm
Inclination: 39 degrees
Orbits: 255
Duration: 15 days, 22 hours, 20 minutes, 22 seconds
Distance: 6,600,000 miles
None: Orbiter was destroyed over east central Texas during reentry
Date: 1 February 2003
Time: 13:59:22 UTC (Approximate)
Research mission, SpaceHAB. This flight marked the first Israeli
astronaut. The mission was a pure science mission lasting a record breaking 16 days. The
shuttle was headed for a 14:16 UTC landing at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida when
contact was lost. At the time of the catastrophic failure, the vehicle was over east
central Texas at an altitude of approximately 207,135 feet (39.2+ miles) and travelling at
approximately 12,500 mph (18.3 Mach). There had been the loss of 8 sensor readings on the
left side of the vehicle beginning about 7 minutes before vehicle loss. There were
temperature reading gains of 40 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the left landing gear wheel
well and in the fuselage over the left wing.
A brief, simplified description of the cause of the catastrophe is that a piece of insulating foam on the external fuel tank broke loose during launch and struck Columbia on the leading edge of the left wing. The carbon composite on the leading edge of the wing was damaged. This damage in turn allowed super-heated plasma to penetrate into the interior of the wing during reentry. The aluminum structure of the wing first softened, then melted and eventually vaporized. Losing the left wing caused Columbia to tumble out of control and disintegrate.
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Mission Poster | Crew | Crew Poster |
Final communications with Columbia |
"The Columbia is lost. There are no survivors." - A memorial page
The Johnson Space Center Columbia Memorial Service on 4 February 2003 (53 minutes, 1 second)
The Kennedy Space Center Columbia Memorial Service on 7 February 2003. (1 hour, 12 minutes, 44 seconds)
The crew of STS-107
(Credit - NASA)
(click to enlarge)
l-r, David Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark,
Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson,
William McCool, Ilan Ramon
Columbia shown breaking apart over east central Texas.
A tribute
Michael Anderson
David Brown
Kalpana Chawla
Laurel Clark | Rich Husband | William McCool | Ilan Ramon |
Archived NASA mission page for STS-107
Page last modified: 08 April 2024 16:04:14.