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Soyuz 19

astp_patch  astp-su

    Alexi Leonov [2], Commander
    Valeri Kubasov [2], Flight Engineer

Backup Crew:
    Anatoli Filipchenko
     (for Leonov)
    Nikolai Rukavishnikov
     (for Kubasov)

    Location: Baikonur, Site 1/5
    Date: 15 July 1975
    Time: 12:20:00 UTC

    Date: 21 July 1975
    Time: 10:50:51 UTC
    Location: 51° 0' N, 66° 0' E

    ASTP, 17 July 1975 16:09 UTC - 19 July 1975 12:03 UTC
    ASTP, 19 July 1975 12:34 UTC - 19 July 1975 15:26 UTC

Duration: 5 days, 22 hours, 30 minutes, 51 seconds

Call Sign: Union

Soyuz 19 and ASTP met in the culmination of a plan agreed to by treaty in 1972. A universal docking mechanism was designed to enable the two craft to dock. Each astronaut and cosmonaut had at least one opportunity to visit each other's capsules.

This mission not only had a backup crew, but also a backup capsule. This capsule later flew as Soyuz 22. Prime crew for the backup capsule were Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Boris Andreyev. There was even a backup crew for them, consisting of Yuri Romanenko and Aleksandr Ivanchenkov.

soyuz19.jpg (34982 bytes) (click to enlarge)



Page last modified: 20 June 2022 16:58:42.