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Russian Orbital Service Station

ROSS (Russian Orbital Service Station) is a proposed Russian space station to be launched into a sun-synchronous polar obit about 250 miles (400 km) above the Earth. Due to the risk of dangerous doses of radiation in a polar orbit, the station will be mainly autonomous with periodic visits by cosmonaut crews.

The first module, NEM-1, is a X-shaped science and service core module targeted for launch in 2028. Up to six additional modules (for a total of seven) will be added with completion occurring around 2035. A commercial module supporting tourism is also being considered.

Potential partners include Brazil, India, China, and South Africa. Other African countries may also become involved.

ROSS model
2022 model of ROSS
Credit: Kirill Borisenko


Page last modified: 05 October 2024 14:03:08.