James Halsell [5], Commander
Scott Horowitz [3], Pilot
Mary Weber [2], Mission Specialist
Jeffrey Williams [1], Mission Specialist
James Voss [4], Mission Specialist
Susan Helms [4], Mission Specialist
Yuri Usachyov [3], Mission Specialist (Russia)
Pad: 39-A [55]
Date: 19 May 2000
Time: 10:11:10 UTC
Altitude: 173 nm
Inclination: 51.6 degrees
Orbits: 155
Duration: 9 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes, 9 seconds
Distance: 4,076,000 miles
ISS Docking: PMA-2 on Unity, 21 May 2000, 04:31 UTC - 26 May 2000, 23:03 UTC
Location: Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center, FL [51]
Date: 29 May 2000
Time: 06:20:19 UTC
Rollout: 1 minute, 2 seconds (2,710 meters, 8,892 feet)
Mission EVA's:
1) On 22 May 2000 for 6 hours, 44 minutes
EVA's were performed by the following individuals:
James Voss
Jeffrey Williams
3rd Space Station Assembly Flight
The ISS orbit was boosted by 30 miles, new batteries installed, fans
for improved air circulation installed, and a loose crane secured.
A damaged tile seam caused a breach which allowed superheated gas to
enter the left wing during reentry. The gas did not penetrate deeply and the damage was
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Archived NASA mission page for STS-101
Page last modified: 08 April 2024 16:04:10.